Exclusive Financial Wellness Course

New!  Exclusive Financial Wellness Course Brought to White Glove Caregivers and Families

Free Financial Workshop with Leading Financial Advisor

We are excited to invite you to a free financial workshop covering the fundamentals of budgeting and investment to help you make informed financial decisions to achieve your goals. We will provide you with practical tips and strategies that you can use to manage your finances effectively and gain control of a bright future.

The WHY behind the workshop:

Knowing the inside stories of Super Human Beings who devote physical and emotional energy, then some more energy they sometimes don’t have to bring smiles to patients in need; we were too glad when self-care finally became a popular topic amongst healthcare professionals.

But while general well-being is in conversation, so much remains untold regarding financial wellness. Financial health is grown-up self-care. How can you ensure a stress-free and secure future without financial security?

Save the Date!

Budgeting, income protection, investment, retirement, and all there is to know to secure your financial future!

Choice of two times to accommodate your schedule!

→ → RSVP NOW ← ←

Class 1: February 6, 12pam EST time

Class 2: February 6, 9 pm EST time

We look forward to seeing you!

Navigating the World with Autism

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Supporting Your Toddler

Parenting is an incredible journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless learning experiences. However, when you suspect that your toddler might be on the autism spectrum, the journey takes on a unique set of considerations. Understanding and supporting a child with autism requires a different approach, and as a parent, being equipped with knowledge and resources can make a significant difference in your child’s development and overall well-being.

Early Signs of Autism:

Recognizing the early signs of autism is crucial for intervention and support. While every child is unique, some common red flags may indicate the need for further evaluation. Pay attention to social communication skills, repetitive behaviors, sensory sensitivities, and delays in speech or language development. If you observe these signs, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment.

Early Intervention:

Early intervention is key when it comes to supporting toddlers with autism. Seek assistance from professionals such as pediatricians, developmental psychologists, and speech therapists to create an individualized plan for your child. The earlier you can address potential challenges, the better equipped your child will be to navigate the world with confidence.

Creating a Supportive Environment:

Understanding and adapting your toddler’s environment is crucial for their comfort and development. Children with autism may have sensory sensitivities, so consider the lighting, noise levels, and textures in their surroundings. Creating a structured and predictable routine can also provide a sense of security for your child.

Communication Strategies:

Communication is often a significant challenge for toddlers with autism. Explore alternative communication methods such as visual schedules, picture cards, and social stories to enhance understanding. Consistent and clear communication will help your child navigate social interactions and express their needs.

Building Social Skills:

While socialization might be challenging for toddlers with autism, it is essential to work on developing social skills. Encourage social interactions through playdates, structured activities, and therapies that focus on building communication and socialization. Be patient and celebrate small victories, as progress may come gradually.

Collaborating with Professionals:

Collaboration with a team of professionals is crucial for your toddler’s development. Work closely with speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behavioral therapists to create a comprehensive plan tailored to your child’s unique needs. Regular communication with your child’s educators and caregivers will also ensure consistency across various environments.

Self-Care for Parents:

Caring for a toddler with autism can be emotionally and physically demanding. It’s essential for parents to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed. Joining support groups, connecting with other parents facing similar challenges, and taking breaks when necessary are vital aspects of maintaining your well-being.

Navigating the world with a toddler on the autism spectrum requires patience, understanding, and a commitment to providing the best possible support. By recognizing early signs, seeking early intervention, creating a supportive environment, implementing communication strategies, building social skills, collaborating with professionals, and prioritizing self-care, parents can empower their toddlers to thrive despite the challenges associated with autism. Remember that each child is unique, and with the right resources and support, your family can embark on this journey with confidence and resilience.

January 1, 2024 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

What Makes White Glove Special to YOU?

We are pleased to share the results of the one-question survey we conducted in last month’s frontlines, asking what makes White Glove special to you. Even more so, we are thrilled to announce the winner of our FIG scrub giveaway for all the fantastic nurses who participated.

And our winner is..

Congratulations to Vanessa Curbola, RN, a dedicated school nurse with White Glove! We thank all the wonderful White Glove caregivers who participated in the survey. Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated.

We were touched by the gratitude expressed in the survey responses. We appreciate everything you do and encourage you to look out for more promotions and giveaways in the future. We are proud with all the survey responses below.

Festive Holiday Flashbacks

Happy 2024! As we swing back to the old, boring, yet promising normalcy of January- let’s flashback to all the holiday festivities that etched unforgettable memories amongst every member of the White Glove team! Halloween! We all agreed- Halloween 2024 was a spooktacular event for the White Glove employees, and though the drama has subsided, the spirit lasted. The office was transformed into a haunted house with impressive skeletons, ghosts, and pumpkins, creating an eerie but cheerful atmosphere. Nothing like seeing how our most diligent employees having fun! See some of the best costumes! Which one do you like best?


We thank every White Glove employee who participated in the White Glove SelfGifting! Yup, we made it clear, and we’ll say it again! Thanksgiving is an excellent time to be bold and remember our hardworking, dedicated, beautiful, and precious nurses working tirelessly to provide the best possible care to our patients! Our ‘Thank you, me’ promotion encouraged all White Glove providers to buy and present a gift for SELF while we foot the bill!

Our Motto: They are not superhuman.. but SUPER human beings who deserve every bit of recognition and R&R coming their way!


We had a blast participating in holiday spirit week’s daily activities, such as decorating the office, wearing holiday-themed clothes, and exchanging gifts. The energy and excitement were contagious, and everyone was in high spirits.

That’s till the last day and the total peak of the week! Our staff went to the Viva Tora restaurant, where we enjoyed delicious food and drinks while sharing stories and laughter to cap off the week and create cherished memories with our colleagues! Special Thanks to Theresa and Odette for arranging this!

New Year!

If you were wondering where our Clinical Teams were amidst all the festivities.. whether they were too busy being the rock to resort to for White Glove providers and patients to celebrate.. No, we haven’t forgotten our clinicians one tiny bit..! (though if it were up to them, they would say.. let me just finish up this, that & the other..)

And facing the waterfront with a breathtaking city view of Manhattan skyscrapers stretching before our eyes over the east river, Giando on the Water wined and dined it was! Nurse company gave the event that humor spice, eh?

Happy Holidays!

Our sincerest wishes for a happy holiday and a joyous New Year! White Glove nurses, providers, and patients got some ‘YUMMINESS! Delivered to the door to celebrate our mutually valued relationship!!

“Because all the chocolate in the world cannot compare to the sweetness of working with you!”

Didn’t get yours? Let us know!

Got it? Share some photos with us @ empower@whiteglovecare.net and get entered for a giveaway!

Take our best wishes for a Happy New Year with joy, success, and fulfillment!

Not part of our team? Join us for top-paying opportunities based on your preferences along with high year-round spirits and team support!

November 22, 2023 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

Thanksgiving Contest 2023 **Extended**

We were delighted with all incoming submissions from providers who expressed gratitude for themselves during Thanksgiving and the following days. As a healthcare provider, it’s easy to forget to care for ourselves while caring for others. This promotion encouraged all hardworking individuals to take some time off and indulge in well-deserved pampering. We are extending this promotion for another month to enable more caregivers to say THANK YOU, ME!

You can either tag us @whiteglovetherapy or submit your video HERE.

A Thanksgiving Contest: Did You Say Thank You.. Me?

Don’t miss out! To join us, keep scrolling until you hit the page’s end.

 Have you thought about how to show some love and appreciation to the people in your life this Thanksgiving season? 


Your neighbors, friends, parents, colleagues, and supervisors deserve recognition for impacting your life. However, amidst all the excitement, we don’t want you to forget about the most incredible person in your life- that person who is always there for you, the one who supports you through thick and thin, the one who you often forget to appreciate enough. 


Can you guess who it is? Yes, it’s you! You are amazing and deserve recognition and love from yourself, too. Take a moment to reflect on all the beautiful things about yourself- your strengths, accomplishments, kind heart, unique qualities, and everything else that makes you special. 


You are one of a kind, and you should take the time to appreciate yourself.  So come join us. Say it loudly. “Thank you, me” for all that you do!

Join the White Glove Thanksgiving Contest by Doing This:


Gift yourself with a most beautiful and special gift


Record how you present the gift to yourself thanking yours truly for all you do


Submit Your thank you video with the receipt of purchase and we will reimburse up $20

Promotion is for active and working White Glove employees only expiring on December, 31, 2023. All submitted recordings may be featured on White Glove platforms online.

September 7, 2023 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

Back To School

We Welcome Children Back to School!

The White Glove Therapy branch happily welcomes back our children for a rewarding year 2023-2024! We look forward to a successful year of learning, growth, and immeasurable progress. 

Here’s all you need to know for the new school year!

  • We are focused on happiness and smiles! Learning is not enough!
  • Our dedicated White Glove Providers ensure your child’s safety is met outside the house.
  • If any questions or concerns arise, we are always here to guide you.
  • Our Board of Ed coordinators are ready for you but a phone call away.
  • We love having you as part of the White Glove family!

Did You Know? Children with seizures or other special needs can be approved by the Board of Education for a school nurse or paraprofessional to accompany them to school. Please contact us to hear if your child may be eligible for services.

Do you know of someone in need of services?

Refer them to White Glove today for a wonderful year ahead!

September 7, 2023 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

White Glove + Benefit Hub!

We are elated to announce our newest collaboration with the incredible Benefit Hub platform right in time for Labor Day. White Glove providers can start saving on a wide range of services and products at the top brands you love. You will find deals on shopping, apparel, food, family care, insurance, education, car rentals, wellness, and more. All through an easy-to-use online marketplace!

The most popular categories where you can start saving today!

Some of the Top Brands you will find!

It’s Easy! Get Started with Benefit Hub!

  1. Visit BenefitHub.com
  2. Enter Our Company Code (Call your Recruiter or Scheduling Specialist for your exclusive code!)
  3. Complete the registration.
  4. Start Saving Today!

Earn Cash! Look out for cashback offers!

In addition to incredible markdowns, some brands will offer a cash-back percentage on select purchases. Cash Back offers are marked with a green amount and will vary per vendor. It’s important to read the entire description to see if it is a standalone cash-back offer or a combination with a discount.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Benefits Hub Platform!

Have questions? Check out the answers to the questions you are among many to have!

Download FAQ for more information HERE

If you have any further questions, call 1-866-664-4621 or email customercare@benefithub.com

We are glad to give you access to those fabulous savings!

We admire your compassion and dedication, and our new partnership with Benefit Hub is just one of many gestures to convey our appreciation.

Give us your feedback on how you are enjoying our latest benefit!

September 6, 2023 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

Back to School! Get 20% off at Moxie Scrubs

Infusing September with the air of a new beginning is not contingent on the ironed uniform, freshly sharpened pencils, or an organized backpack. Making the page break may not be as natural as in middle school. It requires a conscious and mindful effort to get into the mode.

But the summer is behind us, and holidays are a fine jump to the future. Why deny us the opportunity to invigorate the season?

Inspired by White Glove homecare providers, we are sharing a list of creative ideas on how to get into the back–to–school atmosphere leaving school out of the equation!

Try something new!

Leave fear behind and go for new opportunities to discover new parts of self you never knew existed.

Organize Your Life!

Step up and embrace the predictability of routine again. Consider rearranging your home and clearing your closets.

Set your goals!

Think: What achievements are you aiming for in 2023-2024?

Remember Selfcare!

Adapting back to your typical schedule means that you dare not forget yourself. Be kind to yourself and designate increments of time to care for you!

Freshen your wardrobe!

Social science research reported by the University of Nevada shows that a person’s physical appearance has a meaningful impact on their life experiences. Look great, feel great!

New: White Glove Partnered with Moxie Scrubs!

White Glove providers enjoy 20% off at Moxie Scrubs with our exclusive promo code. Discounted rates apply to all purchases with no cap or exception! Ask your recruiter or case coordinator for your promo code, and go ahead admiring those comfortable, durable, stylish scrubs!

Looking to join us?

Sign up here to kickstart a rewarding career with optimal benefits and a supportive team!

August 1, 2023 by whitegloveei 0 Comments

New Benefit Suggestion Box

Ready for big news, then better news?

 The Big News

In our commitment to providing top-notch support to our providers in a happy, balanced, and thriving workforce, we opened our new Benefits Suggestion Box. We are looking to expand our benefits package with an added perk to enhance the experience for our valued employees.

The Better News

We want to hear your feedback which added strings attached you would appreciate! Your voice is so important to us, and we encourage you to share your suggestions for another benefit to better the extensive White Glove experience for providers.

Extended Deadline: The Suggestion Box is Open through August 3RD!

 It’s This Easy:

  • Think of a benefit you would appreciate.
  • Share your idea with your case coordinator
  • Upper Management will review all benefits suggestions.
  • The winning Benefit Will be Published and Implemented!

Do not wait longer! Reach out while our benefits suggestion box is open!

Join our new ABA workshops

We are excited to launch a new series of informative Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) workshops for our providers. These workshops will equip you with the knowledge and skills to collect and analyze data, modify intervention strategies, and make data-driven decisions for better client outcomes. The workshops will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of coping with client behaviors during sessions.

These workshops are mandatory for all Special Instructors currently providing ABA services or planning to do so in the future. Additionally, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists are invited to attend as the information provided could be beneficial to them.

CEU credits will be available for attendees, and certificates will be sent out after the final workshop.

The workshops will be recorded and made available for training purposes in the future.

We look forward to seeing you there! Click HERE to Register Today!

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